Thursday, February 15, 2007

This, that, the other thing

Howard Stern is engaged to Beth O as of some time Tuesday night. I was a far larger HS fan when he was on normal radio than I am now, so I haven't heard any of the transition from staunch anti- to pro-wedding Stern, but cheers to Beth for wearing him down.

Howard K Stern, on the other hand... what a spectrum of news for two guys with similar names. For several hours during the marathon Anna Nicole Smith coverage on your choice of cable news network, references were to "Howard Stern" only, with parenthetical corrections from anchors now and then as per the addition of the "K" to the name. Interesting times.

I have a 2006 Scion xB. So far, I'm not unhappy with the car, though I do miss my VW TDI Jetta... there is quite a bit to be said for 45-52mpg even when Diesel fuel prices in NoCal are above $3. In fact, some day when I drive to Phoenix I will be faced with having to STOP somewhere to gas up... something I am decidedly not used to. My last drive to Phoenix with the Jetta (a one-way trip, my sister now has the car) was 75mpg cruise controlled and non-stop. Whenever I heard every single comedian with a microphone asking why the astronut had a diaper while she was driving 900 miles, I thought to myself how that actually would be convenient (over-filling the Jetta and driving all-freeway, that range is actually possible).

It's been rainy and crappy in silly valley lately. Not horrible, and certainly better than the east coast, but it's not quite sunny days here just the same. Rain is good. I am not looking forward to the summer heat wave... if I'm still living here at that point.

And that's all I know. I must get my real blog up and running. If one person hits this blog and reads it, I'll re-double my efforts to get back into publishing my ramblings. Otherwise, maybe getting back online isn't worth the energy...

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