Monday, January 08, 2007

Some day...

Long time no nothin'...

I'm trying out the new features. Well, some. I'm not going to switch to the wysiwyg layout tool, since I prefer manual html editing for the moment.

I've been in a little mental sinkhole lately regarding the re-deployment of my real personal blog-- which will be located in the same place at when it does rise from its ashes. Over the summer I designed a flexible hierarchical database schema with flexible node types so that everything in what would be the CMS database is a general "node item," and every such node item can be treated in some ways like any other-- for example, anything can have a comment node attached to it.

As some may know, I prefer python to, say, php, so I've been playing with cherrypy and psycopg2 as I develop a little custom framework-like thingie to deal with this db backend. As always, I've included some supporting stored procedures written in pl/pgsql so the commitment to a python platform is not too rigid.

So one of these days I'm going to port my old vanity site content over to this new scheme and re-deploy the new world. Before and until then, I'm working on some "real" stuff of my own (which I may mention here soon) which may or may not be able to leverage this "universal schema" idea. I'm still not completely sure how practical it is, so the personal blog seems like a reasonable testbed.

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