Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Top Chef and Heroes-Freedom

Tonight is the final episode of Top Chef on Bravo. Or rather, it's the first showing of said episode. One can never, ever miss anything on Bravo given their liberal re-play schedule.

I enjoy the show, even though it is horribly edited, and I am going to predict-- since the editing has been so heavy-handed-- that Marcel is going to take it. I think he is used to being as he has been (whether his apparent jerk-ness is simply a matter of editing or not), while the other finalist almost seems to be freaking out in his efforts to retaliate. Witness the botched step-up in part 1 right at the end (which is why, I guess, they needed to extend the show by about 10 minutes in the original run, since edited down to fit in the standard 60-minute slot).

I'm also referring to the Heroes series because I slept through the first new show two weeks ago and I realized that I could miss this week's as well (which I did) and not feel any worse for wear. For as goofy as Bravo's replay schedule is (as today they are replaying the entire Top Chef 2 season back-to-back leading up to the final show), it makes it painfully easy to catch their stuff. Heroes, on the other hand, plays twice (the re-play on SciFi on Friday), and I would rather not have tv shows like these stacked up in a TiVo or similar device.

So basically, even though Heroes was looking pretty decent, it's going the way of X-Files... I'll catch it in re-runs, or maybe online somewhere somehow, or maybe not at all. TV sucks.

Anyway, I'm putting my vig on Marcel for tonight, we'll see what happens...

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