Thursday, January 18, 2007

Top Chef Indeed

I've hooked myself on Top Chef on Bravo, and while I normally don't care for reality shows, I consider this more of a poorly-edited cooking show, so I'm consistent.

It is entertaining to watch the drama, but I do wish the editing wasn't so outrageously skewed to foreshadow outcomes. Between the in-show edits and the teaser trailers for the next week's episode, it's almost impossible to be surprised. At one point one of the contestants (nay, characters) is speaking and there is a late-night-comedy-style tone change as the apparently strung together the words they wanted to have him say. The one who is going to be getting the ax is invariably commenting early in the show about whatever it is that will be their eventual undoing.

Perhaps the taste is more complex than the presentation.

For what it's worth, I liked Mikey and I think Elia is a reasonable character if not a little annoying some times when she laments. Sam is probably going to be the winner... the final four probably are the better chefs when all is said and done.

I predicted the hair scenario, though I thought they would actually have chopped it off. Reminded me of a college prank-- though a legal prank should be easily reversible, this one would not have been. Buzz cut was my second choice, though... my first was some sort of Sharpie madness not unlike that experienced by Zach Braff in Garden State.

Oh well, it's entertaining, and very little bad singing.

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